First Year Registration Sessions
Students entering into their SECOND semester at Capital will receive an email from a Guided Pathways Advisor regarding registration. Students can book an appointment with an advisor or attend a first year registration session.
FYR Overview:
- Assist students in understanding and navigating myCommNet (college email, locating Guided Pathways or faculty advisors, mid-term grades, and black board).
- Connect students to academic resources such as Academic Success Center (tutoring), library, clubs and organizations.
- Connect students to a transfer counselor.
- Continue career and major planning (FOCUS 2).
- Provide students with their assigned Guided Pathways Advisor or faculty advisor and steps to building connections with an advisor.
- Register for second semester courses
- Review Academic Standing
- Review Plan of Study and educate first year students on course sequence.
- Review the benefits of being a full-time student.