Student Questions |
Learning Community |
IDS 105 |
Who/how determined? |
Who receives info? |
Persistence: Are students’ persistence and success enhanced by participation in Learning Communities and IDS 105? |
Course completion, Credits Earned, GPA
(v. non-LC control group) |
Course completion, Credits Earned, GPA (
(v. non-IDS control group) |
Institutional Research |
Academic Dean Alternative Instruction Coordinators Title III Task Force |
Attitudes: Do students feel more comfortable in college, more connected to Capital, and more confident of their success after participating in LCs and IDS? |
Focus Groups |
Final Essay
Focus Groups |
IR/Coordinators |
Academic Dean Alternative Instruction Coordinators Title III Task Force |
Learning: Do students perform better/learn more in LC or IDS-linked courses?
Grade distributions: LC students v. non-LC control group
Paper, exam sampling: LC students v. non-LC control group |
Grade distributions: IDS-linked students v. non-linked students in same courses
Paper, Exam Sampling: IDS-linked students v. non-linked students in same courses |
Institutional Research
Instructors/Coordinators |
Academic Dean Alternative Instruction Coordinators Title III Task Force |
Faculty Questions | Learning Community |
IDS 105 |
Who/how determined? |
Who receives info? |
Attitudes: Do faculty teaching in LC pairs or IDS teams feel challenged, supported, enhanced? |
Surveys |
Coordinators |
Academic Dean Alternative Instruction Coordinators Title III Task Force |
Methodologies: Do faculty teaching in LC pairs or IDS teams experiment with different teaching methodologies, including active and collaborative learning? |
Surveys Syllabi Observations |
Surveys Syllabi Observations |
Coordinators |
Academic Dean Alternative Instruction Coordinators Title III Task Force |
Organizational Questions | Learning Community |
IDS 105 |
Who/how determined? |
Who receives info? |
Marketing/Advising/ Enrollment Process When students enroll in IDS or an LC, do they feel well informed and well advised about that choice? |
Focus Groups |
Focus Groups |
IR/Welcome Center |
Academic Dean Alternative Instruction Coordinators Title III Task Force |
Rationale: Interdisciplinary Studies and Learning Communities will be assessed similarly because the purposes of the courses are similar: connecting students to college and each other, engaging them in active and collaborative learning, and enhancing their success and confidence. Also, the experience and methodologies of faculty in both types of courses will be similar: planning courses in teams or pairs, integrating curriculum, and employing active and collaborative learning methods.