- ACC-111 - Principles of Accounting I
- ACC-112 - Principles of Accounting II
- ACC-115 - Principles of Financial Accounting
- ACC-117 - Principles of Managerial Accounting
- ACC-125 - Accounting Computer Applications I
- ACC-241 - Federal Taxes I
- ACC-271 - Intermediate Accounting I
- ANT-G105 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Business Entrepreneurship
- BES-118 - Small Business Management
Business - Finance
Business - General
Business Management
Business Marketing
Business Office Technology
- BOT-111 - Keyboarding for Information Processing I
- BOT-180 - Medical Terminology
- BOT-201 - Business Communications
- BOT-251 - Administrative Procedures I
- BOT-295 - Administrative Practicum
- BOT-296 - Cooperative Work Experience
Computer Aided Drafting
- CAD-112 - Computer Aided Drafting
- CAD-113 - Computer Aided Drafting Lab
Communication Media
- COM-101 - Introduction to Mass Communication
- COM-105 - Introduction to Visual Communication
- COM-110 - Communication Media
- COM-121 - Journalism
- COM-150 - Basic Photography
- COM-151 - Intermediate Photography
- COM-154 - Film Study & Appreciation
- COM-155 - Film Study and Appreciation
- COM-158 - Introduction to Digital Photography
- COM-173 - Public Speaking
- COM-241 - Television Production
- COM-242 - Advanced Broadcast/TV Production
- COM-287 - Advanced Media Production
- COM-295 - Supervised Field Placement
- COM-298 - Capstone Portfolio in Communication
- COM-299 - Independent Study
Computer Information Science
- CSA-105 - Introduction to Software Applications
- CSA-135 - Spreadsheet Applications
- CSA-140 - Database Applications
- CSA-151 - Presentation Graphics Applications
- CSA-152 - PageMaker
- CSA-155 - Multimedia Communications
- CSA-163 - The Internet
- CSA-205 - Advanced Applications
- CSA-220 - Web Graphics
- CSA-250 - Post Advanced Microsoft Office
- CSC-101 - Introduction To Computers
- CSC-201 - COBOL I
- CSC-202 - COBOL II
- CSC-205 - Visual Basic I
- CSC-206 - Visual Basic II
- CSC-210 - C Programming
- CSC-220 - Object Oriented Programming Using Java
- CSC-247 - Game Development With C++
- CSC-250 - Systems Analysis And Design
- CST-120 - Introduction to Operating Systems
- CST-125 - Help Desk Concepts
- CST-140 - A+ Introduction to Computer Hardware
- CST-142 - A+ Introduction to Computer Hardware Lab
- CST-150 - Web Design And Development I
- CST-171 - LAN System Management
- CST-200 - Scripting Language With Java+++
- CST-201 - Introduction to Management Information Systems (MIS)
- CST-231 - Data Communications and Networking I
- CST-240 - Advanced Computer Hardware
- CST-243 - Advanced Computer Hardware Lab
- CST-250 - Web Design And Development II
- CST-258 - Foundations of Internet Programming
- CST-281 - Data Communications And Networking II
Criminal Justice
- CTC 140 - Construction Graphics/Quantity Takeoff
- CTC 220 - Construction Project Management
- CTC 229 - Construction Estimating
Early Childhood Education
- ECE-101 - Introduction to Early Childhood Ed
- ECE-103 - Creative Experiences
- ECE-106 - Music & Movement in ECE
- ECE-109 - Science and Math for Children
- ECE-176 - Health, Safety and Nutrition
- ECE-190 - Behavior Management
- ECE-206 - Administration and Supervision of ECE Programs
- ECE 210 - Observation, Participation and Seminar
- ECE 215 - The Exceptional Learner
- ECE-222 - Methods and Techniques in Early Education
- ECE-225 - Anti- Bias Issues in Early Childhood Education
- ECE-231 - Early Language and Literacy Development
- ECE-275 - Child, Family and School Relations
- ECE-295 - Student Teaching Practicum
- ECE-299 - Independent Study
- ECN-101 - Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECN-102 - Principles of Microeconomics
- ECN-250 - Money and Banking
Emergency Medical Technician
- EMS-101 - Emergency Medical Services Education I
- EMS-102 - Emergency Medical Services Education II
- EMS-103 - Emergency Medical Services Education III
- EMT-111 - Emergency Medical Techicial I
- EMT-112 - Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic II
- EMT-115 - Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic Internship
- EMT-116 - Anatomy & Physiology for Emergency Care Providers I
- EMT-117 - Anatomy & Physiology for Emergency Care Providers II
- EMR-101 - Principles and Process of Emergency Management
- EMR-102 - Emergency Management Response - Specific Events and Contingency Planning
- EMR-103 - Emergency Management Response - Living in a Hazardous Environment
- ESL-013 - Writing and Reading I
- ESL-017 - Oral Communications I
- ESL-023 - Writing and Reading II
- ESL-027 - Oral Communications II
- ESL-143 - Writing and Reading - High-Intermediate IV
- ESL-147A - Oral Communications - High Intermediate IV
- ESL-153 - Writing and Reading - Low Advanced V
- ESL-157A - Oral Communications - Low Advanced V
- ESL-185 - Fundamentals of Research
Fire Technology and Administration
- FTA-112 - Intro to Fire Technology
- FTA-116 - Building Construction
- FTA-118 - Fire Prevention and Inspection
- FTA-210 - Water Supply and Hydraulics
- FTA-213 - Fire Service Codes and Standards
- FTA-216 - Municipal Fire Administration
- FTA-218 - Sprinklers and Fixed Extinguishing Systems
- FTA-219 - Fire Investigation
- FTA-230 - Strategy and Tactics
- FTA-290 - Fire Technology and Administration Co-op Seminar
- GEO-102 - Introduction to Human Geography
Health Careers
- HC-100 - Intro to Health Care System
- HC-105 - Critical Thinking for Pre-Nursing Students
- HLT-103 - Investigations in Health Careers
- HUM-104 - Field Service, Practicum - Mental Health
- HUM-111 - Intro to Counseling in Human Services
- HUM-299 - Contemporary World Religions
Human Services
- HSE-101 - Introduction to Human Services
- HSE-287 - Practicum in Human Services
Interdisciplinary Studies
Law Enforcement
- LAW-102 - Introduction to Juvenile Delinquency
- LAW-103 - Introduction to Corrections
- LAW-104 - Introduction to Constitutional Law
- LAW-105 - Introduction to Community-Oriented Policing
- LAW-106 - Criminology
- LAW-107 - Law Enforcement Internship Program
- LIB-101 - Introduction to Library Public Services
- LIB-102 - Introduction to Cataloging and Technical Services
- LIB-103 - Computers in Libraries
- LIB-104 - Introduction to Reference Services
- LIB-202 - Supervised Field Placement
- MAT-075 - Prealgebra, Number Sense, Geometry
- MAT-080 - Basic Algebra
- MAT-094 - Introductory Algebra
- MAT-095 - Elementary Algebra
- MAT-096 - Prealgebra, Number Sense, Geometry and Introductory Algebra comnbined
- MAT-135 - Topics in Contemporary Mathematics
- MAT-137 - Intemediate Algebra
- MAT-143 - Math for Elementary Education: Algebra/Number Systems
- MAT-167 - Statistics With Technology
- MAT-181 - Right Triangle Trigonometry
- MAT-186 - Precalculus
- MAT-230 - Applied Calculus
- MAT-254 - Calculus I
- MAT-256 - Calculus II
- MAT-268 - Calculus III; Multivariable Calculus
- MAT-299 - Number Systems
Medical Assisting
- MED-112 - Medical Insurance and Billing
- MED-114 - Administrative Medical Office Assisting
- MED-131 - Clinical Medical Assisting
- MED-141 - Laboratory Principles for Medical Assisting
- MED-170 - Medical Law & Ethics for Health Professionals
- MED-214 - Administrative Medical Office Assisting II
- MED-217 - Medical Coding
- MED-218 - Principles of Health Insurance
- MED-219 - Computerized Medical Practice Management
- MED-241 - Laboratory Principles for Medical Assisting II
- MED-250 - Principles of Pharmacology
- MED-280 - Medical Assisting Externship
Modern Langauges
- NSG-005 - Intro to Nursing
- NSG-101 - Fundamentals of Nursing
- NSG-111 - Family Health Nursing I
- NSG-117 - Family Health Nursing II
- NSG-206 - Family Health Nursing III
- NSG-210 - Family Health Nursing IV
- NSG-122 - LPN to RN Bridge Course - Psychic Imbalance
Political Science
- POL-101 - Introduction to Political Science
- POL-103 - Introduction to International Relations
- POL-110 - The Presidency
- POL-111 - American Government
- POL-112 - State and Local Government
- POL-291 - Practicum in Government I
- POL-292 - Practicum in Government II
- POL-293 - Connecticut Legislative Internship
- PSY-102 - General Psychology II
- PSY-105 - Group Dynamics
- PSY-111 - General Psychology I
- PSY-112 - General Psychology II
- PSY-120 - Interpersonal Communication
- PSY-130 - Dynamics of Group Behavior
- PSY-201 - Lifespan Development
- PSY-204 - Child and Adolescent Development
- PSY-208 - Psychology of Adult Development and Aging
- PSY-247 - Psychology of the Workplace
- PSY-250 - Psychology of Dying and Death
- PSY-252 - Social Psychology
- PSY-255 - Theories of Personality
- PSY-260 - Abnormal Psychology
Radiologic Technology